Minecraft 1.20.6 Server Setup Guide: Velocity, Paper, Fabric, Forge, Simple Voice Chat

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Minecraft Server Network

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Setting up Velocity Proxy Server
  4. Setting up Paper Server
  5. Setting up Fabric Server
  6. Setting up Forge Server
  7. Installing Simple Voice Chat Mod and Plugin
  8. Server Integration and Final Configuration
  9. Troubleshooting and Optimization Tips
  10. Conclusion


Minecraft is a globally beloved sandbox game. Various server types and mods can provide an even richer gaming experience. In this guide, we'll explore in detail how to set up Velocity proxy server, Paper, Fabric, and Forge servers for Minecraft version 1.20.6, and how to install the Simple Voice Chat mod and plugin.

Minecraft 1.20.6 Server Setup Guide


Let's prepare the necessary items before starting the server setup.

  1. Java Installation: Minecraft 1.20.6 requires Java 17 or higher. Download and install the latest version of Java from AdoptOpenJDK.

  2. Server Specifications:

    • CPU: Minimum dual-core, recommended quad-core or higher
    • RAM: Minimum 4GB, recommended 8GB or more
    • Storage: Minimum 10GB, SSD recommended
  3. Network Configuration:

    • Port forwarding: Open default Minecraft port (25565) and Velocity port (25577)
    • Use a static IP address or dynamic DNS service
  4. Download Required Software:

Server Setup Prerequisites

Now that we've made the necessary preparations, let's start setting up each server type.

Setting up Velocity Proxy Server

Velocity is a high-performance Minecraft proxy server that allows you to connect multiple Minecraft servers into a single network.

  1. Download the Velocity JAR file and save it in a new folder.

  2. Create a start.bat (for Windows) or start.sh (for Linux/macOS) file with the following content:

    java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar velocity-3.2.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar

    Adjust the RAM allocation (-Xms, -Xmx) according to your server specifications.

  3. Run the script to start Velocity for the first time. After the server shuts down, a velocity.toml configuration file will be created.

  4. Open the velocity.toml file and check or modify the following settings:

    bind = ""
    motd = "Welcome to My Minecraft Network!"
    show-max-players = 500
    lobby = ""
    survival = ""
    creative = ""
    try = [ "lobby", "survival", "creative" ]
    "lobby.example.com" = ["lobby"]
    "survival.example.com" = ["survival"]
    "creative.example.com" = ["creative"]
  5. Save the settings and restart Velocity.

Velocity Proxy Server Diagram

Setting up Paper Server

Paper is a high-performance fork of Spigot, suitable for large-scale servers.

  1. Download the Paper JAR file and save it in a new folder.

  2. Create a start script with the following content:

    java -Xms2G -Xmx2G -jar paper-1.20.6.jar nogui
  3. Run the script to start the server for the first time. Once completed, shut down the server.

  4. In the eula.txt file, change eula=false to eula=true.

  5. Open the server.properties file and check or modify the following settings:

  6. Adjust server performance-related settings in the spigot.yml and paper.yml files.

  7. Restart the server.

Paper Server

Setting up Fabric Server

Fabric is a lightweight and modern mod loader that supports various mods.

  1. Download the Fabric server installer.

  2. Generate the Fabric server JAR file with the following command:

    java -jar fabric-installer-0.11.2.jar server -mcversion 1.20.6 -downloadMinecraft
  3. Create a start script using the generated JAR file:

    java -Xms2G -Xmx2G -jar fabric-server-launch.jar nogui
  4. Run the script to start the server for the first time.

  5. Configure the eula.txt and server.properties files as with the Paper server.

  6. Add desired Fabric mods to the mods folder.

  7. Restart the server.

Fabric Server

Setting up Forge Server

Forge is one of the most widely used mod loaders, supporting various large-scale mods.

  1. Download the Forge server installer.

  2. Run the installer to generate server files:

    java -jar forge-1.20.6-47.1.0-installer.jar --installServer
  3. Create a start script using the generated JAR file:

    java -Xms4G -Xmx4G -jar forge-1.20.6-47.1.0.jar nogui
  4. Run the script to start the server for the first time.

  5. Configure the eula.txt and server.properties files as with the Paper and Fabric servers.

  6. Add desired Forge mods to the mods folder.

  7. Restart the server.

Forge Server

Installing Simple Voice Chat Mod and Plugin

Simple Voice Chat is a popular mod that adds voice chat functionality to Minecraft. Let's look at the installation method for each server type.

Installing Plugin for Paper Server

  1. Download the Simple Voice Chat plugin.
  2. Copy the downloaded JAR file to the server's plugins folder.
  3. Restart the server.

Installing Mod for Fabric Server

  1. Download the Simple Voice Chat Fabric mod.
  2. Copy the downloaded JAR file to the server's mods folder.
  3. Add the Fabric API mod to the mods folder as well.
  4. Restart the server.

Installing Mod for Forge Server

  1. Download the Simple Voice Chat Forge mod.
  2. Copy the downloaded JAR file to the server's mods folder.
  3. Restart the server.

Configuration and Usage

  1. After restarting the server, check the configuration files created in the plugins/voicechat or config/voicechat folder.
  2. You can adjust the following settings in the voicechat-server.properties file:
    • voice_host: Voice server IP address
    • voice_port: Voice server port
    • max_voice_distance: Maximum distance at which voice can be heard
  3. Clients must also install the same mod or plugin.
  4. In-game, press the V key (default setting) to activate and use voice chat.

Simple Voice Chat

Server Integration and Final Configuration

Now that we've set up all the servers, let's integrate them through the Velocity proxy and perform the final configuration.

  1. In each server's (Paper, Fabric, Forge) server.properties file, set online-mode=false. This allows the proxy server to handle authentication.

  2. In Velocity's velocity.toml file, verify that the address and port for each server are correctly set.

  3. Install a permission management plugin like LuckPerms in Velocity's plugins folder to manage permissions across the entire network.

  4. Check the firewall settings for each server and ensure that the necessary ports are open.

  5. Start the Velocity server first, then start each game server (Paper, Fabric, Forge) in turn.

  6. Check the Velocity console to confirm that all servers are connected properly.

  7. Test by connecting to the Velocity server address from a game client to ensure everything is working correctly.

  8. Set up commands or portals for moving between servers. For example, you can implement the /server <servername> command using a Velocity plugin.

Server Network Diagram

Troubleshooting and Optimization Tips

If you encounter problems during the server setup process or need performance improvements, consider the following tips.

  1. Connection Issues

    • Double-check firewall settings.
    • Verify that the server-ip setting in server.properties is correct.
    • Ensure there are no port conflicts between Velocity and each server.
  2. Performance Optimization

    • Adjust Java runtime options. E.g., -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200
    • Lower view-distance and simulation-distance.
    • For Paper servers, optimize chunk-loading related settings in paper.yml.
  3. Mod/Plugin Conflicts

    • Disable mods or plugins one by one to identify the cause of the problem.
    • Verify that all mods and plugins are compatible with version 1.20.6.
  4. Memory Issues

    • Adjust the -Xms and -Xmx values in the server start script.
    • Clean up unnecessary worlds or chunks.
  5. Simple Voice Chat Issues

    • Ensure that the mod/plugin versions match between client and server.
    • Check if the voice chat port is open in the firewall.
    • Adjust settings in voicechat-server.properties.

Server Optimization


We've now covered all the steps to set up a Minecraft 1.20.6 network using Velocity proxy to connect Paper, Fabric, and Forge servers, and configure Simple Voice Chat. By following this guide, you can build a powerful Minecraft network that offers diverse gameplay experiences.

Server management requires ongoing monitoring and optimization. Regularly check server logs and gather player feedback for continuous improvement. Don't forget to update your servers, mods, and plugins whenever new Minecraft versions are released.

Lastly, pay attention to server security. Perform regular backups, keep server software and mods/plugins up to date, use strong passwords, and utilize whitelisting if necessary.

Enjoy running your Minecraft server!

Minecraft Server Community

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